Wednesday, July 13, 2011

These pretzels are making me thirsty

Well I'm trying to figure what to write here or what to talk about. I'm a little undecided mainly because right now my mind is reaching a blank. Today wasn't bad at all. I'm remembering to keep the positive energy at all times. I did have to catch myself take a deep breath and put on a smile, but all in all it went pretty well. It was a full building today, so the little ones were here and at the beginning there was some crying on the other side of the hall, but after a while you kinda reach a zone and block those things out.

I feel everyday a growing confidence in leading the class, next week I take on my first responsibility of leading the morning meeting. Where we will probably go over classroom rules and procedures. Right now I'm working with my lead, who is awesome. I feel that this is something that I am learning as well as I can. There's never a feeling where I feel overstressed or waiting for the clock to tick to 2. Although I will have to say that at 2 I am feeling a sense of relief that I will be able to eat soon! But as with all things there will be ups and downs and everyone is staying positive and I hope to contribute to it. Like last week I was putting name tags on the desk and it was pretty frustrating. It was a THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY moment. So I stopped what I was doing, walked down the halls, got some water, went into another classroom, found a nice purple hat, asked for permission to use it, and wore it the rest of the night. It was my calm down hat and it provided some comic relief. After three days things are good to go.

As for running it's a bit getting use to waking up at 4:45am to go out and run about 20 minutes later. I'm still getting adjusted to it. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in till 5:15 and then do a sharpening workout for the race on Saturday night. I figure I'll almost have 60+ hours of recovery so I'm hoping to go a bit harder tomorrow morning. Another day of feeling good. Feeling like I'm making a difference. Feeling like this is a good thing.

Later gators.

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