Sunday, August 14, 2011

Well for something completely different

There are certain things that I don't want to be defined as. I don't want to be "that" guy. I don't want a label after that. I was once asked a question about what I was passionate about. I didn't have an answer. I really not passionate about anything. I wanted to say having fun, but felt that would make me sound like some sort of chump. So I said running, but that I wasn't really that passionate about it, more like I enjoyed doing it but didn't want it to define me. I got a good laugh from people in the crowd for my comment. It wasn't my intent to tell a joke that's the way it came out.

I had to answer what my favorite snack is. I picked kettle chips. But then I said that kettle chips really isn't a snack, it's more like a side dish really or something complimentary. I don't really have a favorite snack.

I don't like my voice. I always thought I had a cool voice and that it sounded really rough or macho. Then I heard my voice on a video. I was abhorred to hear what I sounded like. I sounded very whiny and high pitch. Is this how I've always sounded? How come nobody told me I sounded like this? I was very distraught. Now whenever I talk I think about how whiny I sound.

Sometimes I have ideas for a movie and I'm the main character. And usually this should be an opportunity for me to save the world or something like that. But more often than not the movie is not really all that different from my daily life. Sometimes it's more depressing than it really is. I think I wouldn't want to live in my imagination.

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