- The way the trees hang down on Shepard Street kinda remind me of the Dilworth area, in regard to the trees. The houses well not so much. I don't mind the row houses, in fact I like them a lot. One thing I do when I run I focus on for sale signs. I'm interested in property and where I would want to live after my lease ends next June. Yeah it's far away, but I would like to keep my options open. There's a new place being built opposite corner from the metro station and whenever I pass it I go "OH I bet that place is going to nice" and "I'm going to have to go to the open house to see these units". I don't know why.
- The finish on Shepard Street kinda reminds me of the finish of the Thunder Road Marathon. It's a long straight finish. I would say about .4 of a mile straight. It's flat for a bit, but does have a rolling hill towards the end. So when I pass the Shepard Market store I know that I have a quarter mile to go, and I am starting to visualize finishing the race.
Today I decided to pick it up on the last mile. I wasn't hurting but really wanted to lay off the gas pedal when I was running. The last mile the terrain goes from uneven pavement, single dirt trail, grass, then road. I dislike the trail because it hurts my feet and I just can't get into a rhythm. Also factor in that I am running somewhat uphill (although truth be told it's not on the same level as Charlotte)* I was somewhat impressed to finish my twelve mile run in 6:40.
* One thing that I question is that my garmin tells me that I have a higher ascent running in DC compared to Charlotte. While the elevation of DC is waaay lower than Charlotte, I climb more hills than Charlotte. I don't think that I am running more hills, but maybe I am. I don't know.
The run today meant that I finished the first day and the first run of marathon training. Oh well that begins the adventure. I am now really debating running in the evening after work. Either on the park and greenways or on the treadmill in my building. I think that is much more doable than risking everything and running at 4:30 in the morning by myself. Safety is something I need to do a better job at. I'm really non-chalant about my safety and probably should take better care of myself. I've had the attitude that if I die, well I've had a good time on Earth. But that's something I can't think of. I have an important job and can't risk anything to miss it. And besides I'm sure some of my friends might miss me.**
** For my funeral (if I die somehow or someway tragic) rules for my funeral. Anybody can talk about me, good or bad. PBR and Guinness kegs on tap. No memorial services at a certain school on Pineville-Matthews road.
Now something I'm looking forward to is the new Cobra Skulls album. Got to get back in to my roots! I've been rather slack in my music listening department, but I feel that I'm going to get back into. Rawr!
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