Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A response from the reader(s) please

Training for the marathon is coming soon. Like Sunday. I'm back at work and got my schedule somewhat for what will entail over the fall. Honestly this is what it will look like:

7:15-5:15 @ work
-will probably have a meeting for an hour every day after work (probably for a month, then maybe once a week)
-once a week will have an hour long group meeting
-twice a month will have a three hour meeting from 5-8

7:15-4:30 @ work
-will probably have a meeting for an hour every day after work (probably for a month, then maybe once a week)

Once a month meeting lasting from 10-3:30

I'm trying to find ways when I can get runs in, workouts in, sanity in. I've kinda compiled a schedule that works like this:

Sunday- Long Run
Monday- Easy Run
Tuesday- Workout day but can be flexible and do it...
Wednesday- Workout day
Thursday-maybe a workout day if I did a workout on Tuesday and the workout on Tuesday wasn't that difficult (still with me?)
Friday- Easy Run
Saturday- Do a workout on this day (Thursday's) or easy run

I've wanted to experiment with a 10 day training schedule, but honestly can't do that. So I'm not sure who reads this, if I have any followers, but if you have any advice leave a message or send me a fb note. I'm thinking right now of doing my runs at 4:30 in the morning, because that seems to be the best time to do it. But I am a bit hesitant to do them outside seeing that where I live may not be all that safe, it will be pitch black out, and I'm not real great running that early. Also factor in the additional work that I will be doing outside of work.

1 comment:

jayholder8k said...

i work crazy long hours and they are not very conducive to running and I have almost exactly the same plan. I almost always do the Tuesday workout, but the second workout floats between Thursday, Friday and Saturday depending on the intensity of Tuesday's workout, my work schedule and the long run plan.