Saturday, August 13, 2011

My running week 8/7-13

In a way to be like other running blogs here will be a rundown of boring stuff that really doesn't truly matter to most people, but in a way is documented proof that when it comes to running I am that much better than most. If you want to read about scientific junk, mileage appropriateness, or stuff of that nature than this isn't it.

But before we go into that I'm going to install one thing in this post every week called things I don't like. Today it's the NFL Network and more specifically Comcast. I decided to splurge a bit and order the NFL Network for my cable. I figure why not spend about 10 dollars more a month for that and some other channels. I figure the easiest way to do it would be over the Internet. I go to comcast to order it and find that whenever I click on the NFL Network link, that they advertise, I find that I can't order it in my area. Oh really? Then when I navigated the site a bit I was able to try and order it but found out that I am not the primary account holder, which isn't true since I pay the bill. That means now I'm going to have to call Comcast to order the extra sports programming package BUT MY GOAL WAS TO LIMIT HUMAN CONTACT.

Sunday: Ran 12 miles. This day marked when my parents checked out my lungs to see how it looked when I breathed. My dad took a stethoscope and immediately went OH THIS IS NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD AT ALL. Apparently there was massive amounts of fluid in my lung. I remember this run for the amount of sweat I accumulated.

Monday: Ran 8 miles. Was able to get a car and ran at McMullen. At 4 miles I ran into Thomas, Michelle, and Carolyn. I RAN WITH PEOPLE!

Tuesday: Ran 7 miles. On the Shamrock 4 mile course. It went ok. Although at the end I was hurting stomach wise and sprinted in the house to the bathroom!

Wednesday: Ran 7.5 miles. Last day in Charlotte. It was surprisingly without humidity.

Thursday: Ran 8 miles. First run back in DC. Felt nice and cool.

Friday: Ran 8 miles. Uh nothing really comes to my mind about this run.

Saturday: Ran 10 miles. A surprisingly lack of people out on the trails today. I saw a family of deer with antlers on the trail. I really was wondering what I was going to do if they charged me. Can't run into the creek. Can't run into the trees. I was puzzled. But they didn't charge me.

Total 60.5 miles or so

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