Friday, July 20, 2012

sad and lonely ramblings(9)

I finally broke down. After nearly sixty days, I shaved my beard. It was quite a feat. I had to trim it first and it was a process! It really was like getting a haircut with all the hair coming down. Of course since I haven't really shaved since Memorial Day, I didn't have a handy go to razor to use. So I had to use some disposable razors. I might as well have used some sharp rocks. I went through three of those razors. Now here was the glaring part when I was trimming and shaving I was able to see my face again. I was somewhat worried that I was going to look like a raccoon with half my face tanned and the other half pale. But that wasn't the case. The problem that occurred was that I developed some Gorbachev like Merlot look stain on my face, notably on the mustache and chin areas. Well that certainly doesn't look that attractive.  The only problem that I have now is that all the hair that came down is sitting in my sink. It wont go down the sink. It's a large clump of hair. It looks like Cousin It or something like that (to dated of a reference?).

For the song of the day Lagwagon "Razorburn", metaphor maybe.

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