Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog title #1 was hot. But not that bad. I started around 6:20pm. So it wasn't that bad. But it was still hot. I was unsure what my legs were going to do the day after a twenty four miler. I took it out easy and then progressed from that. I ended up feeling pretty good. The only worry was that I had some pain on the inner part of my right knee. I ended up running nine miles for a pace just over 7:20. It wasn't that bad. The only thing that was bad was the kamikaze flies that flew into my eye, and that caused me to stop for a second to clean out my eye. It seems the Charlotte weather has followed me North.

*For the blog title, when I really lazy and can't come up with something witty for the title I'm just going to name it blog title and then a number.

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