Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Hill by any name...

Miles (Apprx) 7.2 53.27
Route: Petworth-Piney Branch-16th street (Meridan Park Hill on 16th)

Woke up and ran at 4am. I knew that I had to do this in the morning, because I was going to work late at the school for Science Night. So I was glad to get it out of the way in the morning. My legs were a bit heavy to start, what with the early get back after the run on Monday night. I didn't realize how easy 7:30s were though, because that is what I was running for the warm up.

I wanted to see how my stomach held up for the workout and to see if I could do the race on Sunday. I felt ok and actually felt better as I got into the workout. Of course once I got to school, someone mentioned that I didn't look all that great. Well I felt ok. But after that point I didn't feel all that great for the first part of the day. I'm not sure if I'm dehydrated to much from running or if the virus was making it's last push. Either way tomorrow will be the day to decide if I run the race on Sunday.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Crabcakes and Football

Miles: Nine (1:06:20)
Route: Petworth-Piney Branch (into Maryland)-Sliggo

I woke up this morning at 4am and still felt the effects of what I later found out was the Norovirus, or the stomach flu. I was feeling ok, but not great. I knew that if I went out and ran I might make myself feel even worse. So why not wait about 15 hours and run at night. And that's what I did. I didn't feel that great at the beginning, but moved into a more smoother stride as I went on. I was debating whether to race this weekend, and I think I will race. I feel completely better tonight.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I've become a cliche

Miles: Twelve (1:29:57) Two strides
Route: Petworth-Piney Branch-Rock Creek-C&O Trail

Well I got started around 8 am. I wasn't feeling that great. It was better than Saturday and better than Friday. I still felt a pit in my stomach. I still felt fatigued. I went out on the run. It didn't feel bad, but it didn't feel good. I ran around 7:30 pace for the entire run. I'll see how it goes this week. I'll make a decision about racing on Wednesday.